Mmmmmmm cookies baking in the oven! Isn’t that the sweetest smell. I have always had a thing for anything smelly. I was an avid smelly sticker collector when I was younger (Alright, I admit it!! As an adult I still have quite a collection of smelly stickers!!) . Okay since we are putting it all out there, I still have a small (ok rather large) addiction to anything that smells. I love smelly markers, stickers, perfume, and candles. I apologize ahead of time to my parents- I think my addiction rubs off on my kiddos every year. When I was little one of my favorite books was The Sweet Smells of Christmas by Patricia M. Scarry. It is definitely up there with my favorite Seuss classic “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”.

My favorite markers are Scentos!!!
Getting these holiday ones out and ready to introduce on Monday!!

My newest holiday scented stickers are from Trend

My favorite perfume scents
“lifelong fave”

“newest fave”

“newest want”

Favorite Candles-
Well being a past gift shop owner- I love candles. My newest obsession (Thanks to my principal) is Scentsy.
Oh how I love happy birthday burning from my “new” holder.

Okay, I am feeling a bit like Oprah right about now. I guess maybe I should do a new series. A few of my favorite things….Mrs. Fresh2o style (
Hmmmm definitely something to think about while I am enjoying a hot cup of joe and eating a few of those fresh baked cookies. )
Oh My Goodness, I almost forgot to tell you! I just finished my Gingerbread Goodies Unit. I am super excited to return to school on Monday and showcase this unit to my kiddos during their center time. I honestly can’t wait!! I am hoping this cute unit helps me to get into the “spirit” of the holidays. I am feeling a bit “grinch-y” as usual.

Here is a little sneak peek

I will be giving one of these away tonight from my facebook page. Simply click the link below. Once on facebook hit like and leave an email. I will pick a winner tonight at 7 p.m. Tennessee Kickoff Let’s Go VOLS!!!