It’s a Gobble, Up Some Goodies GIVEAWAY! One of my favorite things about blogging is meeting and interacting with amazing teachers from across the United States. I have teamed up with a few of my blogger buddies to host a bountiful giveaway just in time for Thanksgiving. We are all thankful for you and the support that you have given us on our blogs, pinterest, TPT, facebook, etc.
It’s quite simple to enter. All you have to do is follow each person’s blog and TPT store. Write a comment for each person you follow and a comment once you follow everyone’s TPT store.… That’s 9 chances to win. ( 8 chances for each blog + 1 for following every TPT store)
Write a comment for each blog and TPT store you follow and get a BONUS entry if you blog about this giveaway on your blog or facebook page!
Giveaway ends Tuesday, November 15h, 2011 at 8 p.m. eastern time. The winners will be announced on Tuesday Evening!!
Click on each picture to take you to each blog! WHEN YOU GET TO THE LAST STOP...LEAVE ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS. THE “WINNER” will be chosen from Here (Mrs. Freshwater’s Class)
- Click on each picture, go to the blog and start following.
- Click on each TPT page and begin following.
- Return HERE and leave comments for each blog and one stating you follow everyone’s TPT.
- If you blog about this giveaway or post on FB. Leave link in a comment for a extra BONUS

Additional Point:
Follow all 8 TPT Stores and leave a comment:
THE “WINNER” will be chosen from HERE (Mrs. Freshwater’s Class)
Don’t forget to leave your comments!!!!
Gobble Gobble Gobble
(That’s Good Luck in Turkey)