My firsties are really doing amazing during our skill station rotations (a.k.a centers)!! I complete two different skill stations daily- one 30 minute session for literacy and another 30 minute rotation for math. My kiddos work with their table partners for centers, but I call back my leveled groups during. (For example student A,B,C,and D may be working on Literacy Station A but only student C leaves first, then student A & D, then finally student B for leveled Reading group time). I know this sounds confusing, but it really does work.
At the beginning of my skill stations, I was only making one set of cards and quickly realized this was NOT going to work with the students coming and going into the center activity. I solved the problem rather quickly. I opted to print multiple pages at a time (4 pages per sheet). This allows me to make mini center cads. I print them onto 5 different colors of cardstock, cut, and put them into snack size baggies. (See Below)
I store my centers in Ikea Trofast
tubs!! I have to admit, I am obsessed with these systems. I just wish they made
the black in a few more styles and options!
Here is a pic of my skill station set-up (Excuse the mountain
dew- some days are rough with those firsties!)
I have just begun to make my Long Vowel
Word Work Centers! I have A, I, O and U completed!! E will be up soon!
Click on the image below to check them out!
Last week, we worked on our Veteran’s Day Tribute. We learned
all about Veteran’s Day and completed a fun craftivity. I posted an image on
instagram and my email started blowing up. I promise to have a pattern posted
soon as a freebie on my tpt store. This was a labor of love!! My kiddos adore
painting so it was definitely worth the mess.
Step One: Sponge Painting
Step Two: Assembly
My mom even loved these cuties and used them for her Woman’s
Club Placemats. Thanks Mom!!
Always, Melissa

Love how your soldiers turned out!