Good Afternoon, I just returned from my mini-cation visiting with my momma. Can you say Beach or Bust? We had a great time going to the beach and then heading out looking for new items for her bathroom. Oh the joy, TJ Maxx and Marshall’s brings to my life. Along with the necessary bathroom items (towels, rugs, décor) we found quite a bit more. I found a darling polka dot bucket/caddy. (I think it is meant for utensils, but I am going to use it for my markers and grading supplies) So darlin’!!!
Only thing that wrecked havoc on my min-cation was the fact that my allergies flared up. Thank goodness I was with my momma. She went straight to Walgreens and got me hooked up with some meds. It may take a few days but feel a lil’ better already. I think my netti-pot may be calling my name.
On a brighter note…
While visiting, I was able to finish up my latest unit. (Thanks for previewing and critiquing Mom!!) On The Go with Transportation This sweet unit will have your kiddos excited about learning all the various forms of transportation. I really enjoyed working on this unit, but have to apologize that it took so long. I got sidetracked.
This unit has 20 different math & literacy activities.

The math titles and concepts covered in this unit include:
Taxi Cab Fares: (Coin Recognition and Counting Money)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: (3 number addition)
All Aboard (Digital Time)
Are We There Yet? (Time Analog)
Mighty Motor Mania: (Measurement)
Row, Row, Row Your Boat: (Teen Tally)
Keep on Truckin' (Counting 1:1)
Need for Speed: (Odd/Even Numbers)
Up, Up and Away: (Counting by 10)
Tow Away Zone (Subtraction)
The literacy titles and concepts in this unit include:
Blast Off Blends (Blends)
Rhyming Railroad (Rhyming)
Peddle To The Meddle: (Middle Sound Recognition)
Soaring Sounds: (Final Sounds)
Flying The Silent Skies (Silent e words)
The Wheels On The Bus: (Syllable Counting)
Chattanooga Choo-Choo: (Digraphs)
Oh The Places You'll Go: (Sight Words)
Whirlybird Words (CVC Words)
Fender Bender (Beginning Sounds)
I have also uploaded a transportation freebie on TPT.

There are 3 different activities in this freebie.
Yes, You read correctly. There are three different activities included in this one download for you to use.
Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light, GO!!
(An addition activity)
By Land, Air, or Sea!
(A transportation sorting activity)
Stop Sign Sounds
(Stretch sounds to form word.)
Hope you enjoy the unit and the freebies!!!