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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

It’s is hard to believe that it is 2013 already. As I reflect on the last few years all I have to say is time seems to be rushing by way too quickly. Please slow down. Although 2012, was a year of celebration (my baby graduated high school) it was also a year of many challenges. I am hoping that 2013 is a much better year and it is filled with tons of things to celebrate and cherish. In my last post I talked about how I can’t wait to get back to the classroom. I have been spending most of my break, cleaning out cabinets and re-organizing my “CRAP”. I know many people would laugh at the thought of me organizing my stuff, but I have a fetish with the target dollar and tend to buy buy buy. It’s only a buck right. I am always begging my son to let me run in for just a few minutes to see if they may have replenished their stock. He is so sweet, he just simply rolls his eyes (hmmm wonder where he got that trait from) and replies “I would rather you walked in Laughing out loud. “ Always has something funny to say. Who knew I was raising a comedian a.k.a smart butt.

On top of cleaning and getting rid of unwanted items, I have been working on my 2nd Grade Scott Foresman 2nd Grade Reading Street Supplemental Packets. I started these packets in August and have been slowly finishing them as I use them. I have a couple “sweet” teacher friends who are a few weeks ahead of me so I have been trying to work ahead of schedule and complete them. So far I have Unit 4.1 and Unit 4.2 completed and hoping to get 4.3-4.5 loaded by Saturday.

Here is a peak of Unit 4.2 Life Cycle of a Pumpkin



These units have everything you need for your reading focus wall as well as numerous supplemental activities to utilize with your kiddos during Daily 5. Here is a glimpse of some of the activities in each of the units

· Spelling Word Cards

· Spelling Word List (to distribute)

· Amazing word cards and definitions

· Selection word cards and definitions

· ABC Order Activity

· Word Search

· Vowel Activity

· Sentence Word

· Vowel word find in sentences

· Comprehension Skill  graphic organizer

· ABC order

· Scrambled up words

· Grammar activity

· Grammar sort activity

· High frequency word cards

· Comprehension Activity

· Spelling Test with sentence (option)

· Look back and Write

· Sequential Order

· Writing Craftivity

Hope you find these packets are a great timesaver and useful in your classroom.



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