How do you keep your monthly supplies organized? I have had so many emails and comments regarding this, that it has been somewhat overwhelming. I figured their were more teachers out there like me who were starting to pack up to move or trying to get ahead of the game and begin organizing their monthly supplies.
I’m not sure if there is a right or wrong way to organize, but I am planning on organizing my items in/out of my room by month. I figured I would purchase 10 matching bins. (Oh no, does this warrant a trip to Target or Big Lots? Shhh don’t tell my hubby!)

I plan on labeling the bins with these “polka dot labels” I created. Love the bright colors!!

I plan on storing my monthly supplies in each bin
Here is a sample of some of my monthly themes
August/September: back to school, apples,
October: Halloween, Open House, Scarecrows, Monster, etc.
November: Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, 50th Day
December: Gingerbread, Grinch, Reindeer, Christmas, Elf
January: New Year’s, Polar Bear, MLK, Penguins, Chinese New Year
February: Dental Health, Groundhog’s Day, Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day, 100th Day
March: Dr. Seuss, St. Patrick’s Day
April: Easter, Earth Day
May: Cinco De Mayo, Mother’s Day, Butterflies
June: Carnival, Beach, Luau
I plan on keeping my themes/holidays separated with XL Ziploc Baggies (Love these- Use theme to store my bulletin board supplies and yearly classroom themes) 
I have seen teacher’s keep their “monthly” theme box down the entire month (slide it under a table or keep it in the corner) That way you can have supplies readily available at your fingertips, plus you can put any new “cute” craftivity items you make in the bin. I think keeping it down for the entire month is a great way to keep everything together and to assist you to stay organized all throughout the year. (Let’s face it we all find a straggling art project or center here and there.)
Would you like a copy of my “MONTHLY STORAGE” LABELS?

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