We are co-hosting chapter three this week.
I just uploaded my birthday décor- I apologize for the delay. I know many of you have been anxiously awaiting. (Thanks for the emails! )
Birthday Journal
Birthday Certificate from Teacher
Cupcake Pencil Topper (Just add a birthday pencil or for an extra special treat a Smencil)
Birthday Cupcake for Bulletin Board/Door Display
Monthly Headers for Bulletin Board Display or Calendar
Hi Y’all. I just wanted to check in. Although, I have been posting some small items and freebies, I have not posted any units lately. I have had several emails and figured it was time to do a little explaining. As many of you know, I am leaving my position as a special education teacher and heading to a regular education classroom in the fall. Between packing up my classroom for the big move (luckily I was staying in the same building and had some “sweet” people help me move”), watching my baby graduate high school (tears flowing non-stop) and prepping for his graduation party- I have been a bit preoccupied. Okay, I was completely out of my mind. (LOL!)
I have the move, graduation and party behind me so it’s time to finish some projects I started in April. I have a huge sight word unit, carnival unit, camp out, and reading units coming soon. I know that many are just finishing up their school year and need a break, but I will be finishing up the units and starting some new requests. (Thank you for the overwhelming requests- You guys are amazing. Luckily several have been the same so I think I will be able to tackle them. Do you have a request for a particular item or unit theme? Send me an email at mfresh2@aol.com and I’ll see what I can do. My ultimate goal is to finish all my projects (new & old) by August 1st.
I have had several requests for my polka dot items, I will compile my classroom décor in a unit so you can just purchase and download. (Coming Soon)
Have any of you gone to Hobby Lobby lately? I went their Wednesday to pick up 1 thing… $100+ later I got my 1 thing, but was in SHOCK to see they have already begun to put out their Fall and X-mas Décor. I don’t know about you but I just started my summer vacation, I would like a few days to enjoy and soak up some rays before thinking about Fall.
Here are some questions for you:
What’s your theme for the 2012-2013 school year?
Have you begun buying items for the fall?
Where do you go to shop for your items???
Always, Melissa
PS Classroom Organizing Part 5: My teacher binder.
Chapter 1: Introduction
The time has come to begin learning and exploring the Daily 5. Come join the fun over the next several weeks as many bloggers are teaming up to complete a book study using “the sisters” Gail Boushey and Joan Moser book titled “The Daily 5 Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades” (Grab a cup of joe or a soda and great ready to explore!)
Here are some of my thoughts after reading chapter one.
1. On pages 4-6, the authors present two different pictures of their classrooms. In thinking about and reflecting on your own practice, how would you characterize your literacy block? Does it look more like the first or second scenario, or is it somewhere in between? How will you change it?
This will be my first year in a regular education classroom. I have worked the last few years as a special education resource teacher and a co-teacher during the 90 minute first grade reading block. In the school that I work in, we tier our students in reading class based on their individual reading abilities and needs. This year, I will be leaving my job as a special education teacher and heading to a second grade classroom. For reading, I will be teaching the lower level reading group and am very excited about implementing the Daily 5 strategy with my new students. I feel the D5 will give my students the opportunity to explore and become more independent readers/writers. It will also give me the chance to assess and monitor my students very closely. I am very excited about this new journey and can’t wait to begin!!! Yippppeeee!!!
2. The typical teacher is very busy having students do lots of different activities. How is what you are having students do now in your classroom creating quality readers and writers?
In my past reading groups, we have always followed along with the required reading material and had the student’s complete daily worksheets. (The parents seem to feel a worksheet showed their child did something meaningful that day, but it didn’t always show that they could read or comprehend the daily lesson.) Although standards were being met, I have to wonder if “active learning” was actually occurring daily with my students. I am hoping that my struggling readers will develop a true love for reading and writing with the implementation of D5 next year.
3. What sets the Daily 5 structure apart from what you are doing in your classroom?
Since, I have not implemented the Daily 5 in my classroom yet; I do not feel I can share any of the differences from BD5 to AD5. (Maybe next year!) I do hope that by applying this successful strategy in my new second grade classroom, I will inspire my students to “love” reading as much as I do.
I am hoping the D5 will encourage my students to become more independent, take pride in their daily work, and to instill a love for reading that is lifelong.
As, I stated above I have NEVER implemented D5 in my classroom. I do feel that it could be easily done in a special education setting if you have the students for a chunk of time. Materials could be easily adapted and adjusted to suit the needs of all learners. I personally feel with guidance and structure, the students would flourish with this type of learning, but would need to be monitored at all times to ensure they are working the entire time!!! (I know my lower level learners in my 1st grade reading group needed constant re-direction to “track” during oral reading, stay focused, and to remain on task. That is probably my biggest concern as far as a sped setting. Keeping the students motivated during D5!!)
Next week, the book study will be discussing Chapter 2. Questions to think about while reading/reviewing Chapter 2:
1 .What goals do you have for your classroom as you work to implement the principles and foundations of the Daily 5 discussed in chapter 2? What support do you need to do this?
2. What stands out as the most significant aspects of this chapter?
3. How do the foundational principles of the Daily 5 structure (trust, choice, community, sense of urgency, and stamina), align with your beliefs that support your teaching strategies and the decisions that you make about student learning?
Now what should you do?
1. Well if you are not yet reading the Daily 5 go get it! Click here. It's a super easy read that I read in one day and read again each summer. Try it out!
2. If you have a blog and want to link up go to Suesstastic Classroom Inspirations and link up.
3. If you don't have a blog but want to participate just leave comments, ideas, suggestions, and questions.
4. Check back next week to read about Chapter 2.
As a special education resource teacher, I was constantly grabbing students for testing, small group, and etc. Sometimes, I would head into a class just to discover they were not there… The hunt begins… Well, I think it was easier finding a “cute” resolution to this problem via pinterest.
Have you seen this adorable sign by Sara Saucy of Smiling in Second Grade on Pinterest? Oh My!!!! Love it!!!
Isn’t it adorable??? Too Darn Cute for Words!!
As soon as I saw this, I knew I needed to utilize it in my new 2nd grade classroom. As a resource teacher, I was constantly looking for students to complete benchmark and progress monitoring assessments. I have even witnessed students who have arrived late to school and not know where their class is. (With this adorable sign…your problems will be solved!)
I think this sign is a terrific way to let everyone {students (who may arrive late) and teachers/staff members} know exactly where you are at.
I love how Sara used a small circle and velcro to move to each sign. I am going to attach my signs to a long board, attach some ribbon and use a clip style clothespin to “clip” where we are.
I am going to add a classroom job entitle “On the Go” Montior
The student who is the “On the Go” Monitor will be responsible for moving the clip prior to leaving the room.
I wasn’t sure which sign I liked so I made two versions (LOL)
To snag this sign in neon click the images below.
To snag this sign in black & white polka dot click the images below.
P.S. As soon as I get my sign finished, I will post a finished product picture.
What do you do in your classroom to celebrate birthdays? We have a very strict nutrition policy at our school (No Candy, No Sweets!- Items must adhere to policy and be under 100 calories.) Personally, I do not understand why a delectable treat here and there is so detrimental especially when 3/4 of the students live on junk and mountain dew. Oh My-That was little rant!!
Last year, I saw these adorable balloons in pinterest from What the teacher Wants
(Too Cute, Huh!! They used XL Pixie Stix but this is a No No in my county! )
Mrs. Osterman from Kindergarten Rocks used Krazy Straws “Cute Cute Cute”
I have decided to add this adorable idea to my classroom using XL Neon Glow Stix from the Dollar Tree.
Simply click the pictures below to snag my polka dot version of the pinterest birthday balloons!!
Always, Melissa
I am back with more labels and organizing ideas. I didn’t have a lot of storage in my room during the 2010-2011 school year so I had to come up with a quick solution. I used these bins for my monthly items (pencils, books, paper, seasonal items, etc.) and thought they would be “perfect” to store my math & literacy manipulative and center activities.
Here are pictures from
In the small 3-drawer carts, I store my center activities in color coded zippered pouches. (Yes, I am OCD, but it does help me stay organized.)
In the wide 3-drawer carts, I store my manipulatives, games, etc.
This has been a system that has worked for me the last few years. All of my materials are easily accessible and the students can easily get out and put materials back without hesitation.
I created new bin labels to coordinate with my black & white polka dot theme for the 2012-2013 school year.
You can grab them along with Math & Literacy Group Labels (I labeled math 1-6 and literacy A-F)
at my TPT store for $2.00
Well, as many of you know I am headed to a 2nd grade classroom in the fall. It has been bittersweet packing up my classroom for the 3rd year in a row. Every year, I realize I have acquired too much stuff. I did give many things away to some pretty sweet teachers, but I still have tons of stuff. I am trying to stay ahead of the game and organize as I go. After finding some cute ways to “organize” community supplies I pinterest, I decided to take the plunge and organize the crayons and etc. I had laying around. (Okay, I had a whole bin of crayons- What was I thinking…)
I headed over to Lowe’s and picked up some empty quart containers for my “sharp” and “dull” pencils bins.
I already had a few sterilite 5-drawer containers in my room. So I am going to reuse them for my community supplies and my writing supplies.
I created some labels-
Simply download and print
Make Sure You Stop Back All Summer for More Freebies and Teacher Created Products
Enjoy, Melissa
Did you buy your book yet???????
We will be launching our book study on Wednesday, June 13th.
Are you as excited as I am?!?! I sure hope so! I am headed to second grade this year (Nervous but very excited!!!)
I have been waiting patiently to begin Daily 5 for a few years and can’t wait to get started!!!
I LOVE DAILY 5- Super excited to begin!! I will be participating in a book study starting June 13th with some “great” bloggy buddies to complete a chapter by chapter book study!!!!
To Prepare
Grab a Copy of the Book
Begin Reading
Follow the Blogs Below
Begin brainstorming your own ideas as you read through the Chapters
Take Notes
Schedule to Follow Soon
The following 1-3 bloggers are participating..........