Here We Go… We have been learning all about the foundation of the D5, but now it’s time to start getting into the nitty-gritty and establishing the daily routine.
Where do we begin????
The Gathering Place!!
I do not have any cool pictures of my “gathering place”. This will be my first year implementing the D5 in my classroom (Super excited)!!! I have a pretty strong feeling that my gathering place will be in the front of my room where my interactive Smartboard and dry erase board are located in my classroom. (My future classroom-bad picture but you get idea.)
In the book, the Sisters stated that the gathering place is where "the whole class comes together...regardless of the age of the children". This is because "distractions are limited...and students are able to turn and talk to each other." (This reminds me of my grandmother’s kitchen. The family would congregate in the kitchen and socialize. People were face to face, eye to eye and it brought the family closer and united us throughout the years.) After reading this, I truly believe it is imperative to have an “official” gathering place designated in your room for D5. It can be a carpet area or set location but you need an “official” spot where everyone can gather together. Once you have gathered then the students can go to different areas around the room to complete their D5 work. KEY: Don’t forget to re-gather and share at the end. I plan to use student number sticks to pick a few students daily and allow them to share what they worked on during their D5 time.
Here is a picture of my numbered student sticks. I plan to draw out a few sticks randomly, the students whose numbers are on the sticks will share what they did during D5. I will flip sticks over in bin (I added color to bottom of the sticks so I know they have already been drawn through the week.)
Good Fit Books a.k.a Appropriate Books
This is all new to me… I was captivated with the section about picking appropriate books. I feel this is definitely something that needs to be stressed prior to beginning the D5. I will be making a polka dot sign to coordinate with my room. (I’ll post as soon as I have it completed for free) To boast excitement about the D5, I think I will also allow my students to bring in their favorite books from home to help increase their motivation.
I found these adorable I Pick posters on Pinterest and added the appropriate blog links-head on over and scoop them up!
Book Box Set-Up
I am excited about setting up my “good fit” book boxes. At my school, we tier our reading groups. This year, I will be working with the struggling reader group. I feel it will be imperative to set up my book boxes to make them intriguing, interesting, yet reading appropriate for them. (Yes, I am up for the challenge!!) I feel the easiest way for me to ensure that my book boxes are tailored to my students needs, I plan on using the Fountas and Pinnell leveling system. My student’s will be assessed during the first few days of school and they will know their “letter-color zone”.
How do you set up your book boxes??? Do you feel it will be harder if you are teaching multi-leveled readers ranging from beginner to advanced?
Anchor Charts
I am super excited about anchor charts. I have seen numerous examples on pinterest and look forward to creating a few of my own with my reading group. The anchor charts will provide a permanent and visible reminder of the students learning a.k.a their recorded thoughts. If you need some ideas to help get your creative anchor chart juices flowing head on over to Google and type in Daily 5 anchor charts or click the link.
Short Intervals of Repeated Practice
Simply stated, “this provides students with a way to hear and feel their learning” thus becoming a part of their default behavior and improved muscle memory.
Signals and Check-In
Hmmmm… what to use for my signal???? That is the big question. Wonder where I can find a chime. Whatever you decide needs to be continual all throughout the year. (P.S. make sure its not harsh!!) The daily chime signal will grab the student’s attention and notify them that’s it’s check-in time. The daily check-in will enable student’s to become more reflective with their learning.
Correct Model/Incorrect Model
I love this…. The teacher will provide the correct and incorrect scenarios of expected behaviors during the D5. This will enable the students to know exactly what is expected of them during D5.
Final Thoughts
My final thoughts on Chapter 3, It’s all about setting the stage for your student’s. Once you set the stage, they will take on the leading role a.k.a taking an active role in their learning.
I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this chapter. Don't forget to go over and see the adorable Jana of Thinking Out Loud.

We are co-hosting chapter three this week.

We are co-hosting chapter three this week.
Link up your thoughts in the blog hop below.
Don't have a blog, no worries simply leave a comment.
Great info! I am seriously thinking about starting the D5 in my class this upcoming year. I just have a few things to work out in my mind before I commit. I have, however, used the book boxes already (except I used bags). I used the F&P system too, but the levels are color coded and represent a level range. As far as a signal, the metal "chime" wands from Debbie Diller make a very nice sound :) Can't wait to hear more about the D5.
ReplyDeleteI am still in the process of finishing my blog entry about this chapter (super busy week!!) but wanted to tell you that I use a regular wind chime for my signal. Cheap and you can find them in just about any theme! I am currently using one that a student gave me and it has the cutest frog as the topper and little logs as the chime part!! I love it. I have it hanging from the chalkboard tray edge. I simply strike it with my pencil or my finger. Signal sounded!! Hope that is helpful! I'll add my blog to the list later today as soon as I am finished :)
A Passion For Primary
Hey! I talked about my signal on my post, but when it is busy and loud I turn the lights off - students know they need to freeze and look at me for an announcement.
ReplyDeleteCurious about the anchor charts thing...what do you plan on using? Do you have an easel of some kind?
Also, Kristi and I are giving you another award (I think she let you know about the One Lovely Blog Award) - the Versatile Blogger! Come visit us to get them!
Teaching Little Miracles
Great info! I love reading the book studies!
Jessica Stanford
Mrs. Stanford's Class
I need your help! Come check out my last post ❤
Great ideas! I use a chime from Trainer's Warehouse. It was a bit pricey, but it is so pleasant sounding!
ReplyDeleteI awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award! Stop by my blog to accept it!
I will be using a wireless door bell, I can cary the doorbell with me and hit the button anywhere, I have used a windchime that was stationary in the past. I put a link in my blog to a wireless doorbell for $15.00
ReplyDeleteI don't have a blog but I love this blog hop! I am planning on implementing daily 5 this year. It will be my first year teaching 3rd grade.
ReplyDeleteI agree, bringing books from home will be awesome for the children...especially for struggling readers at the beginning of the year as they develop stamina. Imagine the comfort of being able to "retell" a book they know by heart. It really makes me cry to think of all the children who could have benefitted from this if I'd thought of it or read this book sooner! :*(
Stapler’s Strategies for Sizzlin' Second Graders!
The Yellow Rocking Chair
I do piano with my daughter--it is all about short practice and repetition. She can sit down and play the piano for 30 minutes at a time. Pretty cool for a four-year-old.
ReplyDeleteI am your newest follower--I would love to have you come by and visit!
I use a wireless doorbell as my signal! It's great because it's soothing and not harsh and I can carry the button with me so it's always handy! Just plug the chime into an outlet and you're ready!
ReplyDeleteI am your newest follower! I hope you'll check out my new "manly" blog!
Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten
I too am very excited for implementing anchor charts! I'm not putting up another poster unless it is "anchored" to collaborative learning!
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting Chapter 3 (even though I'm a bit late to the party).
Kristin Cook’s Classroom Blog
May I offer a a literacy coach, I love the Daily 5. Your ideas sound great. I like that you will remember a form of accountability at the end of the work time. However, if you flip the sticks, the student will know they "can't" get picked again. Perhaps add a few "teacher choice" sticks to your cup. Let those sticks stay. Then, everyone could be an option every day.